
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Wooded Trail and a Beautiful Friendship

Despite the whirlwind of these first few weeks back on campus, I have found freedom here. These friendships are something divine. The Lord has sovereignly and lovingly weaved the intricate threads of our lives together and He has made a beautiful thing. There is something to be said about people who will support and love you despite your brokenness. I am learning that we are all broken people; there is no need to try and hide it.  These ladies get that.  We can laugh, cry, and stay up until the sun begins to break through the sky and share life- the good and the ugly.  Although our paths begin and possibly end in different zip codes, for the present we are blessed to encourage each other and walk through this chapter of our journeys together. 

Today, I got to go on a walk with my dear friend Laura. The thing about this Laura girl is that even if its been months, when we reunite, we pick up immediately and it seems no time has passed at all. As we walked along the wooded trails next to the water, I got to see a better glimpse of her heart for people and her passions in life.  She is truly a poster child for all things Colorado and Granola. She can rock a Patagonia and some chacos with the best of them. Her life moves at this steady pace that I admire greatly. She does not feel the need to always be around people or busy herself just to seem super involved. She is content with studying at Starbucks with a venti iced coffee. She has this quiet peace about her that makes my planning, anxious self relax a bit.  

Today, she taught me to walk slower.  

I think today, I stopped to breathe for the first time in months. In the woods walking next to the water, I didn't feel the need to plan or question or find something to do. Instead, I simply took in all of God’s creation around me. I am beyond thankful for friends who continually speak truth into my life: whether with words or by their actions. So often I look for the Lord frantically as I try to find the best place to read or posture to pray in but I truly believe He watches and thinks “Rebekah, just open your eyes and breathe”  for His beauty can be found in His creation.

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